![Dataviz logo representing a Interactive chart.](/section/Interactive150.png)
Interactivity is a key feature of any chart displayed on the web. It includes tooltip, hover effect, cross-graph interaction, zooming, panning and more.
Interactivity is a big topic. This section aims at giving general tips and tricks on the topic together with applied examples ready to be used in your project.
Work in Progress
This section is a work in progress. 🚧
For now, it just lists all the charts using Interactivity in the gallery.
But I plan to write some complete tutorials on this passionating and complicated topic. You can subscribe to the project to know when it's ready!
![GIF of a scatterplot with hover effect](/chart/scatterplotHoverEffect.gif)
Scatterplot Hover effect
How to add a hover effect to highlight a group on a scatterplot
![GIF of a bubble plot smoothly transitioning data](/chart/bubble-plot-dataset-transition.gif)
Bubble plot data set transition
How to smoothly animate the transition between dataset
![gif of a violin plot smoothly transitioning to a boxplot using shape morphism](/chart/violinBoxplotTransition.png)
Violin to Boxplot transition
Using shape morphism to smoothly transition from a boxplot to a violin and reverse
![GIF showing a violin plot with varying bucket size](/chart/violin-bucket-size-effect.gif)
Bucket size effect
Interactive example showing the bucket size effect on a violin chart
![GIF showing a mirror transition between a boxplot and a violin plot](/chart/boxplot-violin-transition.gif)
Boxplot to Violin plot
Interactive example showing the difference between a boxplot and a violin
![GIF of a histogram with animated data transition](/chart/histogram-dataset-transition.gif)
Histogram dataset transition
How to animate the transition between datasets
![GIF of a data update on a React barplot](/chart/barplotDatasetAnimation.gif)
Barplot dataset transition
How to smoothly animate the transition between dataset
![GIF of a line chart that animates between 2 dataset](/chart/line-chart-data-transition.gif)
Line chart with dataset transition
How to smoothly animate the transition between 2 dataset on a line chart
![GIF of a streamgraph react component that supports hover effect](/chart/streamgraph-hover-effect.gif)
Streamgraph with hover effect
How to add a hover effect on a streamgraph to highlight a group
![GIF of a streamgraph](/chart/streamgraph-offset-type-transition.gif)
Offset and Smoothing transition
An interactive streamgraph example showing how to animate transition between the chart stacking features.
![GIF of a streamgraph with multiple interactive features](/chart/streamgraph-application.gif)
Streamgraph application
Streamgraph with a slider to zoom on a time stamp and with interactive inline legends
General Knowledge
👋 Hey, I'm Yan and I'm currently working on this project!
Feedback is welcome ❤️. You can fill an issue on Github, drop me a message on Twitter, or even send me an email pasting
. You can also subscribe to the newsletter to know when I publish more content!