Animated dataset transition

How to smoothly transition from a dataset to the other. Use the react-spring library. Several examples with explanation. Start simple. Then focus on tricky things like enter, exit, axis, path.

A minimal react-spring dataviz example. A viz component expect a position and a color prop. But it smoothly animates the transition.

-Most basic: barplot transition

Consider a change where dataset has the same structure, just the values change. Same number of items.

Also, just animating a prop of a shape

Very simple, just animate the bar width

Spring looks like this

const springProps = useSpring({
  to: {

Now, we have a springProps object that has a barWidth property.

We can pass it to a animated.rect svg element.


Most basic dataviz animation with react spring. The width of each bar is smoothly updated with an animation.

-Custom Enter: scatterplot transition

Axis limits set to 0 to 100. No need to animate axis for now.

Most of the circles just have their x and Y positions that update, no big deal.

Blue and red point exist only in dataset 1 and 2 respectively. We need to make them enter and leave the scene properly.

A very basic animation using react and react-spring.

-Animating a path: donut transition

Donut is more tricky since each shape is a path. As a result, we need to compute the d property for each frame of the animation.

This is possible thanks to the to() function

A very basic animation using react and react-spring.

General Knowledge


👋 Hey, I'm Yan and I'm currently working on this project!

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    👋 Hey, I'm Yan and I'm currently working on this project!

    Feedback is welcome ❤️. You can fill an issue on Github, drop me a message on Twitter, or even send me an email pasting with You can also subscribe to the newsletter to know when I publish more content!